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Kids' Lounge


The Shilla Seoul was geared toward business travelers and couples, but after the pandemic, its business model has changed to cater to families. So, I was commissioned to create a Kids Lounge for the new target group.
Working closely with the marketing team, I suggested the entire concept of the space. Inspired by the hotel's preexisting The Executive Lounge, I designed a similar facility for children. I designed the interior space and furniture and selected everything from books for kids to interior items and artwork for the lounge. During construction, I also managed the project and handled several subcontractors. 

서울신라호텔의 타겟 고객층은 비즈니스 고객과 커플을 중심으로 하였으나, 펜데믹 이후 패밀리 고객 위주로 비즈니스 모델을 변경하게 되면서 아이들을 위한 신규 시설이 필요하게 되었습니다. 이에 따라 아이들을 위한 키즈라운지를 제작할 것을 의뢰받았습니다.
관내 처음으로 설치되는 고정 키즈 시설이었기 때문에 앞으로 생겨날 다른 키즈 시설들의 기준점으로 사용되어질 것을 염두하였고, 기존의 신라호텔의 브랜드 아이덴티티에서 벗어나지 않되, 아이들을 위한 따뜻하고 밝은 공간이 되도록 전체 공간을 신중히 계획하였습니다. 또한, 마케팅팀과 긴밀히 협력하면서 공간의 전체 컨셉과 내부 프로그램을 제안했습니다. 호텔 23층에 위치한 The Executive Lounge에서 착안하여 어린이를 위한 라운지를 설계했습니다. 실내 공간과 가구를 디자인하고 아이들을 위한 책과 소품, 아트웍까지 모든 것을 디렉팅하였고, 시공기간동안 협력업체들과 소통하며 프로젝트를 관리하였습니다.

The Shilla Hotels & Resorts of Samsung Group
Jihyeon Kim 

Art Director
Jia Kwon

Myeonghoon Kim
Interior Design, Furniture  Design,
Props Design, Artwork Display,
Photo Styling
December 2021
- January 2022


The Shilla Seoul, a representative property of the Samsung Group affiliate Hotel Shilla, is a premium lifestyle hotel representing Korea, as well as a member of The Leading Hotels of the World.

Thanks to its reputation, visits by heads of state, renowned figures, and organizations in the fields of diplomacy, economy, and culture historically accounted for a large portion of sales. However, after the outbreak of the pandemic, as travel became difficult and social distancing was enforced, the proportion of family visitors surged. In the past, however, business travelers and couples were the main target customers, so there needed to be more facilities for family visitors, particularly for children. There was also a need to support children's programs that were included in family guest packages and promotions.

How might we transform a dark, narrow, and low space into a space where children can stay comfortably?
How might we apply The Shilla Hotel’s existing brand identity to space for children?


5F Barber Shop

On the 5th floor of the hotel, there was an unused space that was previously a barbershop. Initially, there is an idea to turn this space into a kids' play lounge where children can play freely. However, the room was not large enough to run around in, and since this place was located near the sauna's sleeping room, any noise had to be minimized. Therefore, I suggested that the overall program be focused on static activities and educational content, and the design should be conducive of a calm atmosphere accordingly.


" The Executive Lounge for Kids "

The Executive Lounge, located on the top floor, is a guest-only business space created from the idea of a luxury penthouse living room and the most famous facility in The Shilla Seoul. This Lounge is not permitted to enter children. Therefore, I designed the interior space and furniture with the concept of The Executive Lounge for kids and thoughtfully selected suitable interior items, artwork, and English kids' books.

23F The Executive Lounge