Season's Greeting Card
Designing the Hotel Shilla CEO's New Year's card that was maintained for seven years. It expressed the excitement of the new year and the thoughtful message of spreading prosperity. With the focus on better expressing the company's dignity and brand value, the intention was to make the recipient feel 'attentive hospitality.' Special processing such as 3D engraving gold leaf and side gold leaf, and high-quality paper were used to create detailed textures.
7년간 유지되어온 호텔신라 CEO 연하장을 새로 디자인 하였습니다. 다가올 새해에 번영이 가득하길 바라는 사려깊은 마음을 표현하고자 했습니다. 기업이 추구하는 가치인 ‘세심한 환대’가 느껴지도록 디테일한 질감을 만들기 위해 3D 입체 조각 동판 및 측면 금박 처리 등 특수 인쇄 가공과 고급 종이를 사용하였습니다.
The Shilla Hotels & Resorts of Samsung Group
The Shilla Hotels & Resorts of Samsung Group
Jihyeon Kim
Art Director
Jia Kwon
Jihyeon Kim
Art Director
Jia Kwon
Printed Matter
Printed Matter